A day at the Newt

A Day to Remember at the Newt Hotel.

On this delightful summer day, we embarked on an adventure to explore the enchanting Newt Hotel situated in Somerset. It was a day filled with joy, tranquility, and an abundance of natural beauty. As the sun bathed the gardens and estate, we knew we were in for a magnificent experience.

Our journey began with a visit to the courtyard cafe, where we were greeted by the invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the irresistible scent of warm apple cinnamon buns. The delectable treats served as the perfect fuel for our exciting day ahead.

Energized and ready, we set off to explore the walled and veg gardens. These meticulously maintained spaces were a testament to the hotel's dedication to sustainability and farm-to-table dining. Vibrant flowers bloomed in every corner, while herbs and vegetables thrived in neat rows. We couldn't help but marvel at the intricate beauty and admire the hard work that went into creating such serene surroundings.

After immersing ourselves in the natural wonders of the gardens, our appetites led us to the garden cafe for a much-anticipated lunch. We couldn't help but appreciate the fact that most of the ingredients were sourced directly from the very gardens we had just explored. Each bite revealed a symphony of flavors, showcasing the culinary prowess of the hotel's chefs. Every dish felt like a celebration of nature's abundance.

As the afternoon unfolded, we continued our exploration by venturing to the museum of gardens nestled within the hotel's grounds. This captivating space offered a glimpse into the history of garden design and the evolution of horticulture. We marveled at the intricate exhibits and found ourselves even more appreciative of the care and dedication that the Newt Hotel had put into their gardens and estate.

To conclude our day, we made our way to the hotel's stunning farm shop and homewares store. This treasure trove of delights showcased locally sourced produce, artisanal crafts, and unique home accessories. We couldn't resist taking a piece of this magical place home with us.
ill take care of itself. It always does.


Malle Beach Race 22


Malle Mile 22